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Chebucto Community Net Individual Account User Agreement

  1. This represents the complete Agreement between the Chebucto Community Net (CCN) and the individual (the Account Holder) applying for an individual or family account. All clauses of this Agreement are in effect upon approval of the Account Application. This Agreement supersedes any prior agreements, written or oral, between the Account Holder and CCN. CCN may revise the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the services available through the various Individual Account categories (including terms, conditions, and/or prices) at any time without prior notice and such modifications will take effect upon being posted upon the CCN website or on the date stated in the Agreement, if a date is so stated. The Account Holder's continued use or access to CCN will constitute acceptance of the amended Agreement.
  2. Use of CCN, its services and privileges may be suspended, restricted or removed by CCN, without notice, for any activity which CCN, in its sole discretion considers to be a violation of the letter or spirit of this Agreement or for any other reason that CCN may consider to be compelling.
  3. The Account Holder accepts the login ID (or IDs) assigned or approved by CCN and will not use any other individual's account or login ID. The Account holder will not apply for or use more than one individual or family account. Please note that family rates exist to pay together for individual accounts for each member of a family. The Account Holder is responsible for the security of all his/her account passwords and will not allow any other person or group to use those passwords or the Account Holder's CCN account(s).
  4. The Account Holder represents that all information supplied by the Account Holder to CCN is complete and accurate and that the Account Holder will notify CCN of any changes to this information in a timely manner.
  5. The Account Holder will not post any illegal, unlawful or defamatory content or information on or through its CCN account or use the account for any illegal or unlawful purpose. CCN may remove, without prior notice, any content or information that CCN considers to be illegal, unlawful, defamatory or otherwise not consistent with the objectives of CCN, or contrary to the letter or the spirit of this Agreement.
  6. The Account Holder will not use CCN services in such a way as to disrupt CCN or impair CCN services, or disrupt or impair the operations or services of any remote systems.
  7. The Account Holder will not forward chain letters, post messages to multiple newsgroups or other forums where the topic of the message does not correspond to the designated topic of the newsgroup or forum, or send unsolicited bulk or commercial messages, mail or posts whether sent directly from CCN or using CCN's facilities to send via some other computer on the internet. The Account Holder agrees not to knowingly upload to any computers on the internet any files containing computer viruses, trojan horse programs or other data in any form designed to disrupt the operation or function of computer systems.
  8. CCN reserves the right to screen incoming and outgoing mail and/or data for files containing computer viruses, trojan horse programs, worms or other data in any form designed to disrupt the operation or function of computer systems. CCN reserves the right to screen incoming or outgoing mail for unsolicited bulk and/or commercial email. CCN is under no obligation to screen incoming or outgoing mail and/or data and will not be responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages sustained in relation to any screening or failure to screen incoming or outgoing mail and/or data.
  9. The Account Holder shall not send unsolicited or harassing email, or attempt to circumvent security or access control on any system. The Account Holder will not engage in the resale of CCN services without prior written consent of CCN.
  10. CCN assumes no responsibility or liability for any files, mail, or other data contained within any account. All files, mail or other data are the sole responsibility of the account holder.
  11. The Account Holder acknowledges that copyright laws may apply to information on or gathered through CCN. The Account Holder acknowledges that his/her account can access numerous sites on the Internet and that obscene and/or objectionable material may be present. The Account Holder uses any information gathered through CCN at his/her own risk. CCN is not responsible for the content, nature or suitability of information available through its service.
  12. CCN makes no representation that it will be operational at any particular time. The Account Holder hereby releases CCN, the CCN Society, its Officers, Directors, employees and agents from any and all claims arising from malfunction or operational difficulties with CCN, being unable to use CCN at any particular time or at all, or for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages sustained in relation to the use, operation or inability to use CCN.
  13. The Account Holder will indemnify CCN for any loss or damage caused to or suffered by CCN by reason of the Account Holder's use or misuse of CCN.
  14. The Account Holder is expressly prohibited from simultaneous or concurrent logins to the CCN service which use more than one telephone connection except where such access has been arranged or contracted for in advance between the Account Holder and CCN.

Mission of Chebucto Community Net

Chebucto Community Net was established for the benefit of the community. Its mission is to:

  • community groups in outreach, community service, and professional development
  • enhance opportunities for sustainable, community-based economic development
  • foster communication among individuals and the institutions that serve them
  • help meet personal and professional needs
  • create a favourable environment for business and employment growth.
Chebucto Community Net is a not for profit, charity organization that thrives on its volunteer resources, and warmly receives all offers of time and energy from its members.

Chebucto Wireless

Chebucto Wireless is the highspeed wireless Internet service offered by the Chebucto Community Net. Chebucto Wireless Free Access offers access to Halifax-based web pages only. Chebucto Wireless Full Access requires a Chebucto Plus level membership and provides secure encrypted access to the entire Internet.

  1. Users of the Chebucto Wireless Free Access service are bound by the conditions to be found at the Chebucto Wireless Free Access entry page here.
  2. Each computer using the Chebucto Wireless Full Access service is required to be logged in using the member's Chebucto Plus login and Chebucto Plus password. Chebucto Plus members who are logged in to the Chebucto Wireless Full Access service are expressly forbidden from networking or otherwise sharing the Chebucto Wireless Full Access connection with any other computer.


  1. All fees are payable in advance and are non-refundable.
  2. Unless otherwise specified in writing, all fees are renewable on an annual basis, one year from the date the account or service was activated.
  3. There shall be an additional charge of $25 for any cheque, automatic withdrawal or debit card transaction returned or refused by the bank for any reason, or for any credit card transaction which after having been processed by CCN is refused for any reason.
The undersigned has read and agrees to abide by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Signed this ______ day of ______________, 20____.

Please Print Name: _____________________________________

Signature: _____________________________________

CCN Login I.D. _____________________________

Contact address: ________________________________________

Telephone number: ______________________________________

My payment for membership dues for the account and a copy of my formal identification with my signature accompanies this acknowledgement.

Signed User Agreements should be mailed to:

    Chebucto Community Net
    PO Box 9253 CSC
    Halifax, N.S.
    B3K 5M8

[If Account Holder is under the age of 18, the parent or guardian must also sign below.]

I am the Parent or Guardian of the above Account Holder. I have read and agree to all of this Agreement and accept full responsibility for all of the obligations of the Account Holder in this Agreement. I understand that CCN does not control the content of the information provided through CCN. Some of this information may be unsuitable for persons under the age of 18. I agree that I will not hold CCN responsible for the content, nature or suitability of the information provided on CCN. I am including a copy of my formal identification with my signature.